Whorled may be based out of Grand Rapids, but it sounds like the whole world. Elements of Irish, African, Japanese, and American bluegrass music twirl around the room as they play, melodic elements dancing the do-si-do with each other and coming together in a way that's vibrantly alive. Thom Jayne has been making music since the 70s with a hard-to-categorize blend of African, celtic, jazz, and Latin influences; Keala Venema is a multi-instrumentalist who plays fiddle, guitar, piano, mandolin, ukulele, tin whistle and Irish drum; and Mariko Venema has studied piano since age 5, but now makes it her quest to master, and teach, the humble accordion. Available: Reimagined (2023). Already the winner of multiple awards, Whorled has nowhere to go but up, out, and everywhere.
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