Earthwork Harvest Gathering 2023

Lake City, Michigan
Fri-Sun, September 15-17, 2023

Food Vendor Application Form

Count to 20...

Thank you for your interest in sharing your food and beverages with this year's
Earthwork Harvest Gathering!

Check out our mission statement on the Earthwork Harvest Gathering website.

(If you have any trouble with this form, please try using the Google Chrome browser first, and then contact us if needed. Pro tip: clicking and dragging on the bottom right corners of boxes below will make them bigger.)

The sale of quality, wholesome foods and beverages is a beautiful part of our festival and we value contributions to the culinary community here at the gathering. We are supportive and excited about great natural, locally sourced food that feeds the people!

(We have a limited number of spaces available and all vendors must apply in advance online, regardless if they have vended years prior.)

Please submit this form by March 31.

If accepted, booth fees will be due by May 25.

We will confirm acceptance, decline, or waitlist by April 25.

If you have any questions, please contact Wendy at


(we will use this on the website, social media, etc; character limit 200)

(we plan to use what you submit "as is", but just in case...)

(if you have one you'd like publicized. please enter the full url, e.g.

(if you have one you'd like publicized)

(if you have one you'd like publicized)

(if you have one you'd like publicized)

(if you have one you'd like publicized. please enter the full url, e.g.

(for our information only)

Please List your Full Menu Here (anything you plan on selling at the festival)

Submit 3-5 photos of your work (feel free to add more context in the comments field below). Note: photo 1 may be used to promote your work and/or the event via social media.

Large images may cause memory errors, so please use smaller sizes if possible. If you get an error message, contact the admin to confirm your application went through. Thank you!

(Photo file size must be less than 4 MB)

(upload file size must be less than 4 MB)

Booth preferences

Raffle Details

We require this information for State raffle licensing.


Your name and contact info:

Application fee

Amount to be charged: $5.00